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Join us for our charity cycle from Croydon to Trafalgar Square to bring attention to our urgent campaign focusing on the prevalent issues of knife crime and gang violence within our youth and local communities!
Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay.jpg

 Event Details 

Date & Time: 13th October @ 12pm

Starting point: Croydon 

Destination: Trafalgar Square

Why Ride With Us?

Knife crime and youth violence are urgent issues which are affecting London and its surrounding areas. This crisis is installing fear and anxiety within our community and affecting the safety and futures of our young people. This PWR cycle event is raising awareness for our #UNTIMELY campaign which focuses on reducing knife crime and violence statistics by empowering young people and supplying them with the resources and knowledge to be successful and have a positive impact on their community and peers. 


Our #UNTIMELY campaign aims to engage with young people to educate them on Knife crime and youth violence by providing workshops which target a variety of topics. We will be directing these workshops at schools and colleges within London and surrounding areas.

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How To Participate


Register Now: Sign up to join us on our PWR Cycle ride! Whether you are an experienced cyclist or skater or just a beginner, we want you to participate and help us make a difference!


Donate Today: We encourage everyone to donate to our #UNTIMELY campaign. Every pound raised helps us to achieve our aims to build a better future for our young people. If you can't donate then we kindly ask that you encourage your friends and family to donate by sharing this. Share our mission and invite others to join and support this cause!

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What You Can Expect​


  • PWR Cycle Merch: For those that begin our cycle with us in croydon will receive a PWR cycle T-shirt to wear for the journey!

  • Community spirit: Ride alongside other positive members of the community, all united by this common cause.

  • Exciting route: Enjoy our exciting route through London, beginning in Croydon and ending at Trafalgar Square with one stop in between, where we will be handing out small refreshments to keep us energised for the rest of the journey.

  • Support and safety: Our team and volunteers will be on hand to provide support, first aid assistance and encouragement during the journey!

  • Guest speakers: Once we have arrived at our destination, we will have a few guest speakers who will be talking about knife crime & youth violence and the #UNTIMELY campaign.

282 Murders
in Year Ending 2022

Nearly half of victims are
Under 25,
are male

50% of offenders under 25
90% are male.

Partners & Sponsors
We're looking for sponsors to make our 2024 PWR Cycle a great success. If you or your business would like to support and be a part of our campaign, please get in touch with us.
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